
Hi! People call me Angie. I am the creative force behind stunning music videos and fashion content. With over a decade of experience, I have worked with the renowned production company CANADA, developing and visually researching videos for artists like Rosalía and Dua Lipa. My background in Fine Arts and specialization in Filmmaking in the UK provide me with a strong artistic and technical foundation.

As a Visual Researcher in Canada, I have collaborated on award-winning projects, known for my ability to play with images and their meanings. I have worked on campaigns for brands such as Apple, Google, Nike, Zara, Tous, Mercedes, and Expedia, from conceptualizing new ideas to bringing them to life impeccably and originally.

Recently, I have expanded my career by debuting as a music video and fashion film director, working with brands like Maria Roch and Renaldo & Clara, and collaborating with creatives from the national local scene. My passion is to help brands and artists shine with their unique style.



